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Bellingham TheaterWorks Summer Repertory Theatre - Keely and Du

The FireHouse Arts & Events Center is excited to host this year’s Bellingham TheatreWorks Fairhaven Summer Repertory Theatre (FSRT) lineup featuring three award-winning works with women as central to each story.

FSRT themes consider the question of what happens when the choice between individual rights and responsibility to humanity becomes too knotty to unravel; Do we simply cut the ties? Or, do we carefully and intentionally untangle and examine the threads? How do we decide whose rights, are right?

Keely and Du by Jane Martin, directed by Kayla Adams

A volatile drama about abortion, Keely and Du is a mind-probing issue play with a gripping human face. What is the extent of individual freedom? What are a rape victim’s rights? Their passionate stories exist on the extreme edge of everyday reality.

  • 1994 Pulitzer Prize finalist

  • "Compelling [...] Bound to stir vigorous discussion." - The New York Times

Cost: $21 per show
Purchase advance tickets per show or season pass


June 29

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July 1

Bellingham TheaterWorks Summer Repertory Theatre - Gidion’s Knot